Thursday, June 10, 2010

What's in a name?

I have been thinking about the name of this blog and whether it is actually that appropriate. If you searched for ‘portrait’ on google you probably wouldn’t want to be ending up at my blog, but it is entirely possible that you do. So I have spent a bit of time over the last day or so considering what to rename it. I want something unique, catchy, useful to search engines and relevant. It’s a big ask but hey challenges are good for the brain – or so I am told.

So I googled other photography blogs in my search for inspiration and came up with nothing. Then I looked for other people looking for ideas to name their blogs and found that I am not alone! There are heaps of folk out there with unnamed blogs all looking for those magic words to draw in the readers. After all, what is a blog without readers? They are a very important part of why we do this who blogging thing.

I came up with lots of ideas and tossed them all out. I think I have finally settled on “Shutter Clicks” as it is both appropriate and catchy, so I will give it a try for now. If you can come up with a better name for my blog feel free to leave a comment below.

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