Monday, August 9, 2010

Kereru and Kea at Nga Manu

The sun came out to play for a few hours yesterday so we hopped in the car and headed out to make the most of it. A visit to Nga Manu in Waikanae was just the thing for a sunny Sunday morning. Spring is obviously just around the corner because there were new lambs in the paddocks on the way there and once there the tuis were busy flitting about singing to each other in a way to attract each other. It's amazing just fast they get about being such big birds in the dense bush.

We saw a few fantails but I didn't manage to get focused on them fast enough to get a good image - that is still a goal of mine - maybe at Tiritiri. The keas were very active too. A couple of them were chasing each other round the enclosure, one was posing on a branch and the other was trying to untie my shoe laces! He had no fear of humans and was not concerned about the fact that I was in his space.

The highlight of the day ( for my husband anyway) was the kereru. It was looking very healthy (read that as fat and heavy!) and it decided that my head was a good spot to fly to. It landed with a thud on my head and clawed in to stay there. I was not very impressed and had a headache for sometime afterwards but that didn't stop me getting some great shots of it before we left.

 I haven't processed all the photos that I took yet, these are just a few of them. I will add some more in the next few days. Enjoy!

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