Monday, September 20, 2010

More from Melbourne Zoo

When we were visiting the Melbourne Zoo park I have to admit I wasn't at my best. The 4 hours on the plane the day before had taken a huge toll on my back and I was not in a good way. It may have clouded my judgement somewhat of the zoo itself, reading back I was rather harsh about it. It most certainly did cloud my photography on the day. Pain has a way of interfering with how you see things in general and when you add a camera lens you can look at something and just go "bleh" when another time you might have seen an awesome image.It has been a couple of weeks now and my back is still in recovery mode (another four hour flight home!) but I am getting there. I haven't picked up the camera much but I do intend to change that very soon.

The Canon Photo5 competition is on again and I am going to have another go at entering. Last year was a learning experience, this year I have more of an idea of what to expect. You get sent a box with 5 objects in it and 5 challenges. The images must contain the objects in them and you can be as creative as you want to be. It should be fun!  I will post copies of my entries here once they have been uploaded to the competition site. Wish me luck!

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