Friday, January 4, 2013

Wellington Zoo

Yesterday was a three hour walk around Zealandia and today we spent the entire morning at Wellington Zoo. My feet are so sore now that just walking to the kitchen for a cuppa tea is a mission! I have certainly pushed myself beyond what my poor arthritic joints would like, but hey, we suffer for our art don't we :)

There were sooooo many people at the zoo today! I don't think I have ever seen so many pushchairs and buggies at the same time before. It really is good to see the zoo doing so well but from a photographers point of view I would love to be able to go there one day when there are no children. To be able to get a clear view at the exhibits with no reflections of crowds in the glass would be heaven. I understand that it's just a dream but I can dream can't I?

Tomorrow is an at home day, we might have a play with macro photography. Watch this space for the results!


  1. It was lovely to bump into you at the zoo -- somehow it adds an extra dimension to these photos. And what lovely photos they are. You really are very skilful at what you do!

    -Alan & Robin

    1. Sorry for the delay in responding... It was great to bump into you both too! Thanks for the lovely comment and for the awesome carrot sticks! I always forget to take snacks with me to nibble on.


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