Saturday, October 27, 2012

Moving the goal posts

Now that I have the waxeyes coming on a regular basis to feed, I thought I would start experimenting with what and where I fed them. Ideally I would like them to come as close to the house as possible so that no matter what the weather I can still photograph them through the windows. To this end, I put half an orange onto the tree trunk just outside of the house and waited patiently.

Within about five minutes they had found it and by the next morning it was completely eaten out. I replaced it with half an apple this morning and after having one go at it, the apple was ignored. I am thinking I need to wait with the apples until they are a bit softer and sweeter, because I have had them eating apple before.

The next thing I did today that was different, was to put out a small ceramic dish with coloured sugar water in it. I thought they would avoid it being as it was something new but it only took about thirty minutes before they had found it and were taking turns at sipping its contents. I replaced the apple with banana and they are back in the tree outside the house. The biggest problem I have now is the blackbirds!

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